Halfway Through — Weekly Reflection #GenerasiGIGIH

Diaz Amaliana
2 min readJul 25, 2021

Hello, welcome back to my weekly reflection. Almost halfway through I was joined the Intermediate Phase, how time flies so fast. If I could describe my experience in these 3 weeks in a natural event, I would say it’s like an iceberg.

Illustration by Andonix — Frontend Developer that I know (on the surface) vs Frontend Developer that I don’t know (what lies underneath)

Recently, I have started to understand that what I know about frontend developers is only on the surface. Being a Frontend Developer is not as simple as we may have thought. It’s not just simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are a ton of frameworks and libraries. For example like the JavaScript frameworks where a new one comes out daily.

How much effort did you put into #GenerasiGigih? Honestly, I’m not sure, if asked in scale. But I hope I’m trying my best. Sometimes I can’t sleep because of thinking about that bug/problem that I couldn’t fix while doing my homework. What should I do? Hmmm, I think I should practice, practice, and practice. The more we practice, the better we become. As simple as that, right?

If I could ask 1 question to my classmates in #GenerasiGIGIH, I will ask, what will you do after this program is finished? Is anyone planning to do a joint project? Maybe I can join hehe… 😆

So that's all about my weekly reflection. I hope you enjoy it even though it's short. Have a great day all 😎

